Join WWBAWWBA Membership includes membership to the Women's Bar Association of the State of New York.
Membership year is June 1 to May 31 WWBA membership is available to:
To join or renew, click on the link below and select your membership category level and fee. Once you make your selection, proceed to complete or update your profile and process your payment. If you qualify for the discount below, click on the link and select your membership category level and fee. Once you make your selection, proceed to complete or update your profile and process your payment. DiscountPrimary Member of Another WBASNY ChapterIf you are a primary member of another Chapter of the Women's Bar Association of the State of New York (WBASNY), you receive a $45 discount. Proceed to complete or update your profile and process your payment.JOIN OR RENEW - Primary Member of Another WBASNY Chapter- |