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  • The 9th Judicial District Presumptive Mediation Programs: What You Need to Know

The 9th Judicial District Presumptive Mediation Programs: What You Need to Know

  • September 24, 2019
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • 111 Dr. Mr. Luther King Blvd, White Plains, NY

The WWBA Mediation Committee and the WCBA Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee Present:
The 9th Judicial District Presumptive Mediation Program:
What you Need to Know
Marc Sheridan, Esq., Chair WCBA ADR Committee
Abby Rosmarin, Esq., LMHC Chair WWBA Mediation Committee
Hon. Kathie E. Davidson | Administrative Judge - Ninth Judicial District 
Lisa M. Courtney | Statewide ADR Coordinator
Lisa M. Denig | Special Counsel for ADR Initiatives,
Office of Deputy Chief Administrative Judge George Silver
Referee Joel R. Kullas | Alternative Dispute Resolution Coordinator for the 3rd, 4th, 9th and 10th Judicial Districts, acting on behalf of the Hon. Vito Caruso, the Deputy Administrative Judge for Courts Outside of New York City.    
James Garfein, Esq. | Principal Settlement Coordinator the Ninth Judicial District 

New York State Supreme Court, County of Westchester 
Westchester County Courthouse  - Courtroom 200 (ceremonial courtroom)
111 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
White Plains, New York 10601 
September 24, 2019
Networking/Registration - 12:00 pm–12:30 pm 
CLE Presentation - 12:30 pm–1:30 pm 
1 Credit Professional Practice pending
Last spring, in what has been referred to as “a transformational move to advance the delivery and quality of civil justice,"  Chief Judge Janet DiFiore and Chief Administrative Judge Lawrence K. Marks, supported by the Advisory Committee on ADR,  announced a system-wide initiative to presumptively refer parties to mediation or some other form of ADR in civil matters.   The 9th Judicial District has worked since then to formulate plans incorporating procedures to implement presumptive ADR within the district.  This program will explain the district-wide plan, its impact on the litigation process, and offer guidance for litigants and counsel through a panel discussion on the applicable rules and procedures. This is a CLE not to be missed!

Register here for this FREE PROGRAM

PO Box 926, Hartsdale, NY 10530
Phone: (914) 505-6045

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